Mommy Feel Good

January 23, 2009

National Geographic on Placenta

Granted, they are speaking of cats, but listen to what they stated on the show ‘In the Womb:Cats’ regarding the mother’s ingestion of the placenta. 

“Instinctively, the mother eats the placenta, which contains high levels of oxytocin.  As this powerful hormone surges through the mother’s blood, it helps her produce milk, but its effects are more than just physical, it has a strong psychological impact.  In all mammals, oxytocin stimulates feelings of trust and affection, and it helps the mother bond with her offspring.  Without the extra dose, she might reject them.”

I am not trying to say here that if a human mother does not ingest her placenta that she will reject her baby, but its good to know that scientists are acknowledging more and more not only the physical effects of a mother ingesting her placenta, but also the psychological effects.  Thanks Nat Geo!

November 18, 2008

An article on placentophagia

Below is a link to a very well written article courtesy of PlacentaBenefits on the use of placenta for postpartum recovery.  Enjoy!

An article on placentophagia

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September 16, 2008

Misunderstanding leads to loss of placenta

Here is a good example of why it is so important to contact a specialist on placenta encapsulation before it is too late.  There are a lot of people out there starting to offer this service, be sure that they are trained in this process and know the dos and don’ts of the encapsulation process. 

  Misunderstanding leads to loss of placenta

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